One of our first successful HTML5 games was
Sand Trap, a casual game Todd and I developed over the course of a month for a competition. Todd created the pixel art and designed levels, I created sandy physics, and we conscripted my brother-in-law to compose a chill guitar loop for ambiance. We placed 7th in that competition, but then submitted it shortly thereafter to
another competition and placed 1st. It probably helped that it was one of just a small number of games in the nascent HTML5 mobile games space.
I've decided to revisit this little game and create a new version, Sand Trap 2.0 -- working title 😁. (Emoji are allowed in blog posts, right? Or is that a digital faux pas?) Here are a few animations of the prototype with my
awesome programmer-needs-a-placeholder-for-this-object art.
Things are looking a lot less sandboxy. |
The core mechanic will be the same, mostly. |
This one may hit the cutting room floor, but it's totally poppin'! |
Not the most difficult labyrinth to navigate... |
Why Sand Trap? Why not
All the King's Men Entanglement? That's a story for another time...