Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Transformed!
We have a new website! It's bluer and rounder than our old one. As is our wont, we discussed a bazillion awesome designs that were intriguing, engaging, exciting, and would only take several years to develop... we built this one instead. It will never compare with all the impossible ideas we had, but at least it exists. In real life. Cyber real life.
Spin the wheel and check out the awesome quotes about some of our games! Also, play the Cat in the Hat titles and leave some awesome quotables here that I can post... ...since Kotaku and JayIsGames have yet to review those two. Kidding. No, not really. Yes.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Cat in the Hat Dives into the Swirly Whirly Ocean

It's fun to play, we do not kid
It's fun to play on a ball,
It's fun to play in the hall.
...alright, I'll stop - sorry about that. Our two most recent games have just been released this past week and we're excited to finally be able to share them with you! As you may have guessed (or maybe not, due to my poor imitation) these games have their roots with Dr. Seuss. Cat in the Hat as a matter of fact. After the second week of development, Todd and I made a mutual agreement to cease our rhyming battles so we could get some actual coding accomplished.
Working with PBS KIDS and a few other very talented folks, we created Do You See My Seahorse? and Deep Sea Follow Me! to bring more fun and educational games to mobile devices. Both of these games use HTML5 which enables them to work across modern web browsers on both desktop and mobile devices.
We had a ton of fun working on these two titles (and my boys had even more fun testing them). Hopefully you (or your children) will enjoy them as well; check them out!
Monday, August 20, 2012
All the King's Men on!

We're excited about the Goko platform and the opportunity it provides for HTML5 game developers in making it a little easier to develop multiplayer games for multiple platforms and devices. Check out the video for a short overview of what the folks at Goko are doing:
Also worth mentioning, there are a few other great games available on Goko's site that you might enjoy: Dominion (I would love this fantastic card game a lot more if my wife didn't always beat me so easily), Forbidden City (an elegant game by Reiner Knizia), Catan World (Settler's of Catan with a multiplayer twist), Treasures and Traps, and Race for the Galaxy.
Saturday, July 07, 2012
Enabling HTML5 Audio Playback on iOS Safari
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I hate wearing headphones. :-P |
The following function takes a DOM element and assigns it an HTML5 audio tag to play when the DOM element is tapped. This hides the first user-invoked "" behind another button so that it can now be invoked by code for the rest of the game without explicit user interaction. For example, in our PBS Kids games, we have a "Play!" button on the opening screen, assign our voice-over soundtrack to this button, and once a child taps "Play!", the game is thereafter able to play voice over clips without the need for additional user interaction.
function enableAudio(element, audio, onEnd){
var callback = false,
click = false;
click = function(e){
var forceStop = function () {
audio.removeEventListener('play', forceStop, false);
element.removeEventListener('touchstart', click, false);
if(onEnd) onEnd();
progress = function () {
audio.removeEventListener('canplaythrough', progress, false);
if (callback) callback();
audio.addEventListener('play', forceStop, false);
audio.addEventListener('canplaythrough', progress, false);
try {; } catch (e) { callback = function () {
callback = false;; }; } };
element.addEventListener('touchstart', click, false); }
To use the above, call the function giving it a clickable DOM element and an audio element to invoke as shown below:
As a bonus, if you want to make sure the audio is indeed ready before performing a next action, you can send a function as the third argument; this function will be called once the audio is ready.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
HTML5 Audio on Desktop and Mobile
In addition to All the King's Men, we've been spending the past few weeks working on two new games that my boys will love playing. Powered by Ready To Learn, PBS Kids has given us the opportunity to create two math games for children that work across desktop and mobile devices.
This project brings a few new challenges that are unique to this style of game, one of them being a heavy reliance on audio. In our earlier games, audio is a great tool for creating a complimentary ambiance, but in these two games it plays a key role in providing instructions and prompts to maintain game flow.
Since we're targeting desktops and mobile devices, we decided to work our way through the different platforms until we had it functioning appropriately across the board. I'm not an expert on audio file formats, containers, compression, encoding and the like, so the following is simply the series of trials and bits of information I found elsewhere on the web as we worked through the evolving landscape of HTML5 Audio.
Since the app cache manifest is not checked until the HTML document is loaded, I inserted the following JavaScript code inline to dynamically assign the appropriate manifest file to the document's html tag. First I assume the browser supports Ogg and the document uses <html manifest="ogg.manifest"> where ogg.manifest lists all the files used, including the appropriate Ogg audio files. The following code replaces "ogg.manifest" with either "mp3.manifest" or "m4a.manifest" depending on what the browser requires:
var myAudio = document.createElement('audio'), isMSIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false;
if ((myAudio.canPlayType) && !(!!myAudio.canPlayType && "" != myAudio.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"'))){
if(document.documentElement.getAttribute("manifest")) document.documentElement.setAttribute("manifest", document.documentElement.getAttribute("manifest").replace('ogg','mp3'));
} else {
if(document.documentElement.getAttribute("manifest")) document.documentElement.setAttribute("manifest", document.documentElement.getAttribute("manifest").replace('ogg','m4a'));
This project brings a few new challenges that are unique to this style of game, one of them being a heavy reliance on audio. In our earlier games, audio is a great tool for creating a complimentary ambiance, but in these two games it plays a key role in providing instructions and prompts to maintain game flow.
Since we're targeting desktops and mobile devices, we decided to work our way through the different platforms until we had it functioning appropriately across the board. I'm not an expert on audio file formats, containers, compression, encoding and the like, so the following is simply the series of trials and bits of information I found elsewhere on the web as we worked through the evolving landscape of HTML5 Audio.
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This picture has nothing to do with HTML5 Audio. Except maybe metaphorically. |
Ogg and MP3
With our earlier projects I used a two-pronged audio approach that worked well for desktop-based HTML5 games. Using Audacity, I exported all of our audio clips as both MP3 and Ogg files. Ogg covers Firefox and Chrome and the MP3 version is used by the other browsers.
Unfortunately this would not carry over to mobile devices. Testing our games on mobile devices, we found that neither file type would play.
Playing Audio on Mobile Devices
The first issue is that iOS Safari will not play a sound that is not initiated by the user (which also means we cannot preload audio clips :-/) and will only allow one audio clip to be played at a time. We decided to use a single audio clip and employ the "audio sprite" method first heralded by Remy Sharp. He also provides a good solution to getting the audio started by the user. We tied our initial audio play to a simple "Play Game" button at the beginning of the game.
The second issue was the audio format. Ogg is not supported by either browser on Android and iOS, and the MP3 I had created using Audacity fared no better. After searching for a bit, I found that AAC is the format of choice. First I tried exporting via Audacity. This version did not work on any of our test devices. Next I tried exporting from iTunes on my main development computer (a Windows box). This version also did not work. On a whim, I tried exporting from iTunes on a MacBook Pro. For some reason, the mobile devices (both iOS and Android) were able to play this version. I have no idea why exporting using iTunes on Windows produces a different m4a file format than using iTunes on OSX - if you do, please let me know.
I thought using MP4 would release us from MP3, but quickly found that Internet Explorer did not like the mobile-friendly version I created from iTunes, so now we have three audio formats and three different sets of audio files to cover the different browsers: OGG, MP3, and M4A
Playing Audio in Google Chrome
Most browsers handle bouncing around a single audio clip relatively well using the audio sprite method, but Chrome suffered from incredible and inconsistent lag while jumping from one time to another on a single audio clip. This made it essentially unusable when attempting to compose voice-over sentences on the fly: "Can you count" long pause "4" uncomfortably long pause "seahorses?"
Enter "Audia" by Lost Decade Games. I have not had a chance to look into Google Chrome's Web Audio API and wanted a simple drop-in solution to handle the audio analogous to HTML5's audio tag. We already have a lot of code built around the Audio() class, and using Audia allowed us to insert it into our current structure with very little change to our existing code-base. I did throw a try/catch around it so Internet Explorer wouldn't complain about its getters and setters, but the rest was merely checking to see if Audia was supported and replacing "new Audio()" with "new Audia()" if so.
Audio and App Cache
Lastly, loading three different audio streams and storing them locally via the application cache is inefficient and wasteful, considering that the any given browser only has need of a single version of the audio, not all three. Fortunately, handling this client side is not difficult, although admittedly my solution is a bit hacked.
Update (1-21-2013) by Derek Detweiler: The crossed-out method mentioned below worked at one time, but as mentioned above this was a hack. It no longer works in any of the modern browsers we have tested. Our current solution uses a server-side check of the user agent to pass along the correct manifest. An example of this method could look something like this for an .htaccess file:
AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "firefox|opera|chrome" [NC] RewriteRule ^cache\.manifest$ ogg.manifest [L] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "android|silk|ipod|ipad|iphone" [NC] RewriteRule ^cache\.manifest$ m4aCombined.manifest [L] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "msie|safari" [NC] RewriteRule ^cache\.manifest$ mp3.manifest [L]
We're continuing to develop these two titles that my three boys are sure to enjoy, but I hope the above experience proves helpful on your own exploration of HTML5 Audio.
Friday, March 09, 2012
Positioning and Mirroring Images in HTML5... ...and Dragons!
While working on our most recent game, Todd implored me to sharpen some of our sprite rendering. Fuzzy sprites are a result of antialiasing and in our case some images were undergoing this process twice. Rendering pixel to pixel makes a much sharper image, especially if the image has already been anti-aliased once. For All the King's Men, we check the screen size and automatically create all the art at the correct resolution by scaling our sprites from the original size to the appropriate size needed for the current resolution (determined in part by our canvas auto-resizing). Since we pre-render the art at the correct size, and anti-alias it in the process, the last thing we want to do is render it to the visible canvas with a pixel offset, effectively anti-aliasing it twice. Todd accuses me of implementing my awesome "Blurrification Technology" whenever he noticed me doing this. This is how I addressed it (and hopefully stopped him from using made-up words).
At right is a scaled dragon sprite that is still relatively clear, after it's initial anti-aliasing. Also note the sharp color bars I've inserted to highlight the blur. This image is rendered at (0,0), so each pixel on the destination canvas matches a pixel on the source canvas. If our source image was stored in img and the canvas context is ctx, the code might look like this:
However, in converting from game world coordinates to visual coordinates, rarely are exact integers produced. So, for example, if we offset x by 0.35, the image is anti-aliased for the final rendering, giving the blurred image at right.
Addressing this is simple, since we can simply round to the closest integer coordinate and we once again see our pristine dragon.
This doesn't hold true when we decide to mirror the image, however. Now we have two items to consider: the original coordinates and where we're flipping the image. Generally, we want to flip the image at it's midpoint, so we could store that in halfImageWidth. Using translate and scale to set things up, we might have:
Notably, we have once again offset our image to sub-pixels as seen at right. We could round the flipAxis to the closest integer, but images can be flipped between two pixels or in the exact center of a pixel to render a pixel perfect mirror image, so we do this instead:
Multiplying the original flip axis (x + halfImageWidth) by two, rounding that number to the closest integer and then dividing by two gives us a flip axis that's between two pixels or directly centered on a pixel. Once again, we have a sharp, pixel-perfect rendering from the source image to the visible canvas.
At right is a scaled dragon sprite that is still relatively clear, after it's initial anti-aliasing. Also note the sharp color bars I've inserted to highlight the blur. This image is rendered at (0,0), so each pixel on the destination canvas matches a pixel on the source canvas. If our source image was stored in img and the canvas context is ctx, the code might look like this:
x = 0; y = 0; ctx.drawImage(img, x, y);
However, in converting from game world coordinates to visual coordinates, rarely are exact integers produced. So, for example, if we offset x by 0.35, the image is anti-aliased for the final rendering, giving the blurred image at right.
x = 0.35; y = 0; ctx.drawImage(img, x, y);
Addressing this is simple, since we can simply round to the closest integer coordinate and we once again see our pristine dragon.
x = 0.35; y = 0; ctx.drawImage(img, Math.round(x), Math.round(y));
This doesn't hold true when we decide to mirror the image, however. Now we have two items to consider: the original coordinates and where we're flipping the image. Generally, we want to flip the image at it's midpoint, so we could store that in halfImageWidth. Using translate and scale to set things up, we might have:
x = 0.35; y = 0; flipAxis = x + halfImageWidth; ctx.translate(flipAxis, 0); ctx.scale(-1, 1); ctx.translate(-flipAxis, 0); ctx.drawImage(img, Math.round(x), Math.round(y));
Notably, we have once again offset our image to sub-pixels as seen at right. We could round the flipAxis to the closest integer, but images can be flipped between two pixels or in the exact center of a pixel to render a pixel perfect mirror image, so we do this instead:
x = 0.35; y = 0; flipAxis = Math.round((x + halfImageWidth) * 2) / 2; ctx.translate(flipAxis, 0); ctx.scale(-1, 1); ctx.translate(-flipAxis, 0); ctx.drawImage(img, Math.round(x), Math.round(y));
Multiplying the original flip axis (x + halfImageWidth) by two, rounding that number to the closest integer and then dividing by two gives us a flip axis that's between two pixels or directly centered on a pixel. Once again, we have a sharp, pixel-perfect rendering from the source image to the visible canvas.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Entanglement iOS - What's Going On?
Nothing has changed. :-/ |
If you own the iOS version of Entanglement, we want to make it up to you. We are prepared to give you the online Sakura Grove Expansion Set at no cost to you: simply send a note to us at using the same email address you use to log into, and we will enable the expansion set for your account.
We've learned a few things from this unfortunate turn of events and we are sorry it has affected you this way. Thanks for your understanding and we hope you continue to enjoy Entanglement!
Thursday, February 02, 2012
All the King's Men
Todd and I have been busy working on a new game called "All the King's Men". (Yes, we finally named it if you've been following us on Facebook or Google+) It's not ready to be officially unveiled for play just yet, but here's a short run-through from our initial prototype.
Originally the game was a simple puzzle grid where a player could choose between several pins to push off and collect gems of the same color. The end-goal was a bit vague and players scored by counting how many gems they pushed off. In the prototype photo below, the movement pins are represented by Lego bricks, the gems are Risk pieces, and the game board is the only part I can find of my marble chess set. Playing this version with friends quickly highlighted a problem: game-play felt like a sequence of solitary moves. One player's move didn't really affect the next player's options, so there was no multiplayer strategy or fun to the game.
After trying several variations, Todd decided it might be better to have each player play on their own board and their actions could effect the other players. This turned out to be a lot more fun. We had already found that the puzzle grid game-play worked best with three types of gems, so we turned that aspect into three ways to affect your opponents, scaled the puzzle grid from 8x8 to 5x5, and removed all but one movement pin. Since the primary interaction between players happens outside the grid, it served well to simplify that portion of the game.
I love playing Castle Wars with my wife, so I thought a similar theme might work well for an overall goal and the three gems mechanic. We ultimately settled on armies, castles, and flying boulders, with the overall goal being for players to complete their castle or destroy all of their opponent's castles. To complete the setting, the player assumes the role of a medieval king standing at his war-room table, using the puzzle grid to gather his kingdom's resources and imprinting his seal on the resulting commands to send his valiant armies to battle.
I'm looking forward to completing this game and making it available for play so someone with more skills than I can beat Todd.
Originally the game was a simple puzzle grid where a player could choose between several pins to push off and collect gems of the same color. The end-goal was a bit vague and players scored by counting how many gems they pushed off. In the prototype photo below, the movement pins are represented by Lego bricks, the gems are Risk pieces, and the game board is the only part I can find of my marble chess set. Playing this version with friends quickly highlighted a problem: game-play felt like a sequence of solitary moves. One player's move didn't really affect the next player's options, so there was no multiplayer strategy or fun to the game.
Prototype comprised of Risk and Lego |
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These look nicer than Risk pieces |
I love playing Castle Wars with my wife, so I thought a similar theme might work well for an overall goal and the three gems mechanic. We ultimately settled on armies, castles, and flying boulders, with the overall goal being for players to complete their castle or destroy all of their opponent's castles. To complete the setting, the player assumes the role of a medieval king standing at his war-room table, using the puzzle grid to gather his kingdom's resources and imprinting his seal on the resulting commands to send his valiant armies to battle.
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Getting ready to unleash Dwayne, the vicious dragon, on the battlefield. |
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