Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Entanglement Reviewed

A big thanks to all the sites that reviewed and/or linked to our latest game!
I've been updating parts of Entanglement over the past month, some due to usability feedback (added white borders to the lines to make them clearer) and some as extra features (Two Tile Tangle). I have a few ideas for additional play modes, so check back occasionally or follow us on Facebook or Twitter to be notified when something new is added.


  1. you guys should make a high score tracking system. I hear a lot of people arguing over who has the highest score on forums.

  2. Thanks for your comment Noah. I've considered that. If we do, I would also like to capture an image of the resulting game board for high-scorers, because seeing how someone attained '150' is just as fascinating as the attainment itself.

    In fact, that's what I enjoy about some of the forums Entanglement has appeared in - seeing screenshots of great games.

  3. Once when I was playing in Two Line Tangle mode, I needed to place a tile in the lower left corner of the screen, and the "camera" was zoomed out to precisely the point at which the extra tile obscured the tile I was trying to place. I didn't think of taking a screenshot, but there you go.

  4. Thanks for the feedback! I'll see if I can rework the way that extra tile is displayed.

  5. Controls are a little touchy. Several times I have been in the process of rotating a tile only to have the tile suddenly "set" and I'm on the next without meaning to be. Once, I even had two tiles set in a row, one after the other. It might be nice create a different method of "setting" a tile, so that errant clicks don't trigger it accidentally. Perhaps optional keyboard controls might achieve that goal as well.

  6. Hi worlebird - there are several ways to control tiles: arrow keys and spacebar, mouse scrollwheel, or click-and-drag. Regarding mouse control (so I know what may need some adjustment):
    1) Were you using the click-and-drag method or the scrollwheel?
    2) If scrollwheel, what browser do you use?
    3) Regular optical mouse or laptop touch pad?

  7. Derek - I didn't even realize that there already were keyboard controls available. For the mouse, I was using the click and drag method. Also, this was an optical mouse on Firefox 3.6.4 (Windows XP).

  8. This would be a great iPad game. You should investigate appcelerator or PhoneGap on how to make it in a app using the same code you already have. All you would need would add two finger support for rotating the tiles.

  9. Another "score" I would like to see tracked along with the highest score is the tiles/score ratio. That way even if I get a stuck in a corner with a lousy tile, I would know that I had been making some dense lines. For instance, a score of 30 wouldn't feel so bad if I had a 2.5 ratio; in other words I had only used 12 tiles to get there.

  10. Two tile tangle is broken! It keeps switching tiles at random!

  11. Hi relet,

    Whoops - it's fixed now, thanks for the note! You may need to refresh the page.

  12. Entanglement is my new virtual drug of choice. Yes, I am an addict. Wonderful game. Thank you.

  13. Wow awesome game got here via stumble upon, i want this on my ipod

  14. I love Entanglement! I have gotten 100 pts on the Swap version so far.
    How about bonus points for using all six lines in a single hexagon, or, if not extra points, some kind of onscreen acknowledgement?
    A fun variant is to try and use all the hexagons only once!


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