Entanglement iOS Problems

We’re sorry that you’re having issues with Entanglement. Look below for a list of known problems and solutions. If your problem isn’t listed below or our solutions don’t work, please let us know by e-mailing us at ios.feedback@gopherwoodstudios.com. Please include which version you are playing (HD or normal), which version of the iPad/iPhone/iPod you are playing on, and directions on how to recreate the error. Thanks!

Known Problems:
  • The game crashes when I try to place the tile during the tutorial!
  • The game crashes when I try to launch it!
  • I cannot get through the tutorial!
  • I cannot zoom in and out or I cannot move the board!
  • The update causes my game to crash on load!

The game crashes when I try to place the tile during the tutorial!
This will occur if you are clicking on the tile in the center of the screen rather than on the 'place tile' button in the lower right corner of the screen. Click the button to place the tile and the tutorial should proceed normally. Clicking the tile to place it will function correctly any other time during the game, it's only at this point in the tutorial that it will crash the game.

The game crashes when I try to launch it!
This crash occurs on devices with older versions of the OS. We have submitted a patch to Apple on 2/9/11. Once this passes certification the application should no longer crash (certification usually takes ~1 week). We're very sorry for this oversight during testing. As an alternative solution until the patch is released, you can update to the latest version of the OS (though this will not work on first generation iPhone and iPod Touch devices). 

I cannot get through the tutorial!
The tutorial includes instructions on how to progress through it below the tutorial text box. When it tells you to "Tap to Continue" you must tap somewhere on-screen other than on a button. Tapping on a button will not register as a tap and progress the instructions.

I cannot zoom in and out or I cannot move the camera!
Due to some technical issues faced during development, you currently cannot move the board and zoom in/out at the same time. You can either move the board OR zoom in/out with a single gesture. So, if the game notices you are dragging two fingers on screen in order to move the board, it will not then let you pinch the screen to zoom in/out until you have lifted them from the screen. And vice verse, once the game notices you pinching the screen to zoom in/out you cannot drag your fingers across the screen to pan until you first lift your fingers from the screen.

The update causes my game to crash on load!
Unfortunately, one of the changes we made during the update causes the game to crash on load for those who had the previous version. To resolve this problem delete the game from your device and reinstall it via the iTunes App Store. You will not be charged for reinstalling the game.